Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Call Me Crazy

I often wonder what would happen to the world if, on Sunday, everyone refused to work or take their children to whatever practice was going on that day? I mean what if everyone, of course medical workers, police officers and things that are absolutely necessary would need to be available for obvious reasons, but what if everyone else just refused to work or do anything other than go to church and do a nice Sunday meal. The meal could be cooked on Saturday, or put in the slow cooker Saturday night before going to bed on low or medium, and turned a bit higher before heading to church. People would go home, kick off their shoes, eat a meal with their family, sit on the front porch with family and perhaps neighbors and/or friends. I think I want to live in a town like Mayberry ... I at least want to find one to visit. One store, one bank, one gas station, one post office, one school, one doctor and they are all closed on Sunday for church and family time.
I know I'm a dreamer, but what's wrong with dreaming about a better world. In my world kids still play outside in the spring, summer, fall and yes, even winter. They do so safely from any harm that involves them disappearing or being preyed upon by adults or even other children. Everyone is friends, there are no bullies. There are no prejudices or bigotry. Everyone works hard and they are friends who get together and talk in the evenings and have socials and town fairs. Women stay home and raise their children while men go out and make a living. Women understand that their job is to take care of their children, their man and their house and they are happy to do so. Men go out and make a living and make ends meet and know that the money they make is his and his wife's because she is tending to the other part of their life that is just as important, if not more, as what he does. He adores her for taking such good care of his children, his home and of his own needs. She is totally committed and thrilled to be his wife because he is so adoring of her. It works, and when things get tough or they have squabbles they aren't running to lawyers or talking divorce. They know that they will get through it and everything will be okay. Why? Because they live everyday with Jesus in their hearts, in their souls, and in their lives, through the words they use to the actions they do.
I know it sounds crazy...but what if everyone had the same dream as me but nobody else is willing to share it? Just imagine a world like mine. A world before bra burning, and cursing on t.v., sex on t.v., violence on t.v., God was in school everyday at the start of every morning listening to every child pray while one of them led the prayer over the intercom system. Following that was the Pledge of Allegiance because it was okay to love your country and those who fought to keep you free.
It really isn't so crazy. It existed once. (With exception to the prejudices and bigotries. That is why I made sure to include that part in my dream world.) Will we ever have it again? Probably not...there aren't enough people willing to stand up and fight for God. Fight for their rights as Christians. My mom has often told me that I have an old soul and was born too late. It isn't often that my mother and I agree, but I will say she is definitely right about this. Just don't tell her, okay? lol
Keep dreaming everyone, because you never know when someone, or many others will share your dream and it will become a reality. Do you think that Martin Luther King Jr. would have ever imagined his dream coming true so soon?

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