Sunday, May 9, 2010

My special Rose 2

I woke up last Sunday ... well I actually got woke up last Sunday by my 1 1/2 year old granddaughter who then preceded to call her sisters name until she woke her up. I kept hushing her and telling her that "sissy, is sleeping" ... she would say "alwight" , and then continue to yell for her ... it was raining and I was so exhausted and thought I am not getting up and getting these two little girls ready and dragging them out in this mess for church ... God will understand .... well He did better than that ... He helped the little one successfully wake up the her big "sissy" who immediately sat up and said, "it's raining, umbrella" ... I had bought her a Dora umbrella the day before ... She then said, "mon Dammie, church" ... So I got up and dragged two little girls out in the rain with one adult size umbrella and one child size Dora umbrella ... sometimes God uses children to remind us of where we need to be ... and in more ways than one!!!

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