Saturday, August 8, 2009

3 day bender???

I just got done reading on one of my online pages that I belong to that a friend on that page is recovering from a 3 day bender. This friend is a "Christian" and this is exactly what I am talking about. This is such a misrepresentation of God and His word. If you are truly a Christian you are not going to be going on 3 day benders. You are not going to be using drugs and if you smoke cigarettes you will be doing your best to stop. It states in the Bible that our body is a temple and we should treat it as such. Gluttony is a sin and that means overindulgence in anything. I'm not saying that I am not guilty of gluttony in one way or another but I'm not going to post it on a page as if it's a good thing to go against God's word while calling myself a Christian. I just don't understand this kind of thinking. I see "Christians" posting things all the time about going to bars or other parties and how much fun they had and how drunk they got. I'm not saying that drinking alcohol is a sin, it's the over indulgence of it that makes it a sin. You might see me having a cold beer one day, because I am one of those strange people who really enjoy the taste. What you won't see me doing is pounding down one beer after another with the goal of getting intoxicated. I just want someone to explain to me how this is christian-like behavior?

I think many "Christians" need to get back to the basics of the Bible and God's word. You know how when you were young and you would go to ball camps, rather it be baseball, softball, basketball or football, they would take you back to basics, because after playing for so many years people get away from the basics. Those are the things that taught you to play the game right in the first place and helped you to focus on how to be the best player you could be. We need a back to the basics camp for Christians so that they can remember how to be the best Christians that they can be. If you are going to represent God, please do so with Jesus in your heart and leading your day. I am positive that there is not one day that Jesus will lead you into a bar, party or any other gathering with the intention to get drunk.

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