Friday, August 7, 2009

Where does it say

that as the times change the word of God can be changed to fit the society of that time? I wonder where the churches who try to change the word of God to keep people coming to their church have received the authority to do so. I have, yet, to come across, or know anyone else who has come across, a scripture in the Bible that states it is okay to change the meaning behind God's word to make it easier to follow as more people, and society in general, move farther away from God. The problem with today's society having such a problem with following God's word is that each new generation has gotten farther and farther away from the true meaning of God's word, The Gospel. If people followed the Gospel and taught it to their children, who in turn taught it to their children and it was taught, the way it was intended, from generation to generation, it wouldn't be so difficult to follow because we would have never got away from it to begin with. I want to know who has the right to change God's word? I have actually heard people tell me that they talked to their Minister, Pastor, Priest, about certain situations in their life trying to figure out how to handle it according to the Bible and what God wrote, only to have their Clergyman tell them that God's word can't be used the same in today's world as when it was written. That just blows my mind ... who gives them the right to change what God wrote? There are too many clergymen out there preaching watered down versions of The Gospel. There are too many people calling themselves "christians" and representing God in very un-Godlike ways. I will discuss more about the things I witness on a daily basis that I can't understand how anyone can think it is what God intended for His world or His children living in it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog. I like what you have to say here as well. Holiness is the thing for certain!
