Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I have often wondered if the word men is in there for a reason. Is it because it is wise for us to take a break (pause) from men while going through this or a warning for men to take a break (pause) from us? I can't imagine living with a man at this point in my life and this menopause going on, and believe it or not I understand men better than most women. I don't get worked up over the "silly" things that most women do. Men are men and I just get it a little better than most, I guess. So I really don't know how other women, who get upset so easily over the things men say and do, can survive menopause with a man in the house, or how he can survive it.

I have a friend who complains every month about her "dot" coming to visit. I keep trying to tell her to enjoy that "dot" because what's to follow is far worse and more than once a month. There is nothing like waking from your sleep because you feel as if someone has lit a fire within the pit of your stomach and you are burning up from the inside out. Yeah, I turn the fan on, got one of those ones with a remote control, and it gives some comfort, but that is only because I am soaking wet with sweat. Nice thought huh? Then there are the hot flashes that come during the day and the only difference with them is they don't wake you up. It is terrible to be somewhere talking to someone and have one of the hot flashes start. You immediately, start sweating and breathing heavier and looking and feeling as if you might pass out. You keep talking hoping nobody will notice, but can tell by the look on their face that they not only have noticed, but are now contemplating calling 911 or just running away. Luckily for me, and most I encounter, I'm not shy and will wave my hand in front of my face, as if to fan myself, and say "hot flash, menopause is awesome". Now, this doesn't stop the hot flash but does take the fear from the person I'm talking with, unless of course it is a man who has been through menopause with a wife. Then the look of terror increases as well as the thought of running, I'm sure.

I know you are wondering what does this have to do with faith, with Christians, with religion. Well, let me say, for the record, that if Eve had not eaten that apple and had not got Adam to eat that apple I, along with all other women, would not suffer through these things. I truly believe that in the Garden of Eden, there would be no "dots" or menopause. We would just be told, in advance as Mary was, that we are going to have a child in 9 months so as to prepare for said child. The birthing would be easy, no screaming women, no fainting men the baby would just slide out and be here. No "dots" to cause pain and blotting and mood swings ... No menopause to cause hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and terrified husbands. So you see it does have to do with faith and God and beliefs. I have learned that we must be forgiving if we expect God to forgive us. I have also learned that some things are easier to forgive than others ... the harder ones I pray about and know that God will help me with them.

Tonight I will be praying that God will help me to forgive Eve for eating that daggone APPLE!!!!

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